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Dr Beth Pickard (she/her)
Freelance Research / Consultancy
National Music Service for Wales
Beth has recently been collaborating with the National Music Service for Wales on the development of musical provision for children and young people with additional learning needs (ALN) and/or disabilities in Wales.
This has involved contributing to a training day at Aberystwyth Arts Centre, as well as devising a scoping study of training opportunities for practitioners working in music with children and young people with additional learning needs (ALN) and/or disabilities in Wales. This report will be accessible on the National Music Service's website shortly.
In addition, Beth recently collaborated with Katrina Damigos from Music Masters and Alex Lupo on developing an innovative training offer in Wales, entitled 'Notes on Inclusion: Empowering Educators' which supported music educators to engage in reflective practice and learn from disabled musicians and scholars. The initial training offer is currently being followed up with a termly reflective forum to nurture inclusion champions across Wales.

Live Music Now
Beth has been working as a freelance Research Officer for Live Music Now since January 2022. In this role, she collaboratively delivered and evaluated the pilot iteration of Professor Adam Ockelford and Sophie Gray's Count Me In! resources at Three Ways School, Bath.
You can read Beth's full research report and view
several films about the project and research on
Live Music Now's website here.
As part of this work, Beth continues to work with Live Music Now, local music services and other practitioners to utilise the Count Me In! approach and resources to promote inclusive musical provision.
More recently, Beth has been collaborating with Live Music Now, Music of Life and Sounds of Intent on the 'Music for Education, Social Care, Health and Wellbeing' (MESH) pilot research project, supervised by Professor Adam Ockelford and Professor Graham Welch.
You can read the 'Music for Education, Social Care, Health and Wellbeing' (MESH) report here.

Inclusive Education for Pupils with Down's Syndrome
Informed by personal and professional experience, Beth has worked with many primary and secondary schools as well as charities and third sector organisations to support students with Down's Syndrome in inclusive, mainstream environments.
Beth is trained in Symbol UK's approach to speech and language provision for children and young people with Down's Syndrome, and informed her consultancy work with the research from her MSc in Applied Psychology of Intellectual Disabilities.
A passionate belief in sign supported communication and making learning visual is further supported by Beth's accredited SignAlong tutor status which contributes to the development of visual, inclusive classroom strategies.
To discuss Consultancy, please use the Contact page to get in touch
"We really enjoyed your talk and hope that you inspired some other practitioners to apply your great suggestions. We will definitely be in touch again when we plan a similar event in future. With kind regards and thanks for your great talk!" - Support Group Conference Organiser
Beth has presented work on inclusive practice at conferences for National Deaf Children's Society; Down's Syndrome Association; 21Plus Support Group; UWE Child, Youth and Disability Conference and USW Achieving Inclusion Conference. These engagements are summarised on the 'Conference Presentations' page.
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